What to Expect

The Main Goal

It is my goal to help people achieve optimal health…physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is a place that people can believe in, have hope, and feel comfortable sharing their healthcare needs and life decisions for themselves and their children. I value and appreciate all of my patients.


I strive to be available, and do my best to provide both same and next-day appointments. Secondly, I am sensitive to my patient’s concerns or fears. I understand not everyone is accustomed to chiropractic care. I also recognize that there are many misconceptions about chiropractic, so I encourage dialogue that make my patients visits less nerve-racking and more comforting.

How can you help with your care?

The ideal patient is proactive in their own health. They show up for their appointments, but also follow my recommendations for helping get the fastest recovery possible (ice, rest, different sleeping position, different ergonomics). And of course, the ideal patient is inquisitive about learning more about chiropractic and how it can help their loved ones.

If I had a magic wand, when it comes to the health, I would see every man, woman, and child in the community and encourage them to be under regular chiropractic care (once or twice per month). This would allow for a decreased need in over-the-counter medication, and perhaps less prescription medications. I would suggest exercise options that fit your life-style and help with suggestions to make the most out of care and ultimately your life. When you feel better your family will benefit.  When the whole family makes changes, relationships change and become more meaningful.

Sound like the type of wellness care you are looking for?

Please contact us to make an appointment and let
Dr. Brenda get to know you and your family better.